In the first year of the project, chemical, mineralogical, and petrographic analyses of selected ceramic samples from the archaeological sites of Prisunjača and Viškovci were conducted. The samples were prepared for analysis and analised at the Laboratory for Geological Material Analysis at the Department of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Mineral Resources at the Faculty of Mining, Geology, and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb. The sample preparation was carried out by senior chemical technician Vinko Baranašić and geological technician Mario Valent. The analyses and interpretation were carried out by Prof. Marta Mileusnić.
Chemical analysis was performed using portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) technology. The internal and external surfaces of the ceramic fragments were first analyzed, followed by analysis of the powdered samples.
The part of the samples were powdered and analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) to identify their mineralogical composition. This analysis revealed the presence of key minerals which provide important information about the ceramic’s formation process, as well as its firing temperature. Thin-section slides for petrographic analysis were prepared to enable detailed examination of the ceramic structure under a microscope. This method allows for the observation of the fabric of the ceramics, including the texture and structure of the clay matrix and any inclusions used in the production process, such as tempering materials. The analysis also provides insight into the porosity and homogeneity of the ceramic material, which can offer clues about the production methods, firing conditions, and technological advancements employed during the ceramic manufacturing process.