Image-based 3D models for studying the use-alteration traces on pottery

In the scope of the project multiple fragmented pots from the Vučedol culture were photographed with the goal of creating image-based 3D models which will be used to study use-alteration analysis on the pottery. The method involved assembling the fragmented pots, mounting them on a wooden turntable and setting up the proper lighting conditions. Numerous images were then acquired in controlled conditions, with special markers preprinted from the software Agisoft Metashape which is also used to produce the 3D models with scale and precision. By analyzing and comparing the produced models of various pots we hope to find and isolate different use-alteration traces, catalogue them, and establish the database and classification of use-alteration traces using this methodology. 3D models were made by collaborator on the project Miroslav Vuković.

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